Project: Benhall Pre School
Duration: September 2015 to November 2015
Brief: Supply of a new 4 bay Modular Nursery Block
To remove the existing nursery building which was old and in a poor state of repair, as it was letting in water which was not a good environment in which to nurture and encourage the development of nursery aged children. The old building was to be replaced with a new purpose designed modular Nursery Block which was designed in collaboration with MRC to match the clients requirements and suit our modular construction methods, the client requested that the new building sat on and overlapped the original footprint of the old building to gain the maximum floor space available, keeping the building as low as possible to provide a level access to the playground. The client also requested that we liaise with Building Control and obtain approval.
Works commenced at the beginning of September 2015, where the nursery relocated for a period of three weeks whilst the works were going on. We successfully delivered and installed the new building on Saturday 25th October 2015. The village hall and school which are adjacent to the site were very co-operative and worked with us to ensure that all our works could be carried out in a safe manner to reduce the risk of accidents.
Handover of the new Modular Nursery took place on Friday 13th November 2015 and the new building as shown on photos being colourful and bright, low maintenance, energy efficient building with a light and airy interior providing a wonderful environment into which to learn and play, the client is delighted with the finished product, our service and the conduct of our operatives who worked on site. Also that as promised we finished on time and within budget. Cost saving made by using redesign the internal layout.
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Phone: +44 (0)1366 324297
Email: sales@mrcmodular.com